An Ode to Time
Time you tricky thing
Wait for you we must
Long for you we will
Spent you we have
Miss you we know
Stop you we can't
Time, where did you go?
I like to think about time. I like to write about it. I find the idea of TIME fascinating.
Time is....
Curious. Heartwrenching. Glorious. Inexplainable. Hidden. Frustrating. Convicting. Steady.
As human beings, we are constrained to time. We can't escape it, we can't outrun it, outlive it, or conquer it. Yet often, we wish we could.
Sometimes..time stretches on and on, and never seems to end. When waiting for those test results, or our turn in line, and definitely when we're experiencing something painful. Pain. Sadness. These have a way of slowing time down.
But is time ever really slowed? Oh no, it goes on and on, faster and faster every minute. There are never enough minutes in the day to complete all that we might like to do.
Sit down for a quick break with a cup of tea. Before you take the second sip it will be time to get back up again. This is time.
A wise man once said these words:
How to stop time: kiss
How to travel in time: read
How to escape time: music
How to feel time: write
How to release time: breath
These are all true; in a way. I think the last holds the most truth for us, however.
Time is rushing by us. Every breath we take is one last breath in our lives. What are we spending those breaths on?
In the final days of our lives, will we regret how we spent the time we were given?
Timely thoughts.
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