So...I have a new obsession. K-Pop. I love it.
I heard my cousin play one song and I was hooked enough to go do some extreme research of my own. I now not only want to learn martial arts, I want to speak Korean as well.
I don't consider myself a person of strong obsessions or quick changes in interest, but I guess I don't know myself yet. And I wonder if I ever will.
I'm supposed to be doing school; writing one of 5 essays due. But of course I'm procrastinating. I was just sitting here in my round brown corner chair and thinking about nothing, or how much I hated school, when I had an interesting thought. My little sister Jewel was sitting on the edge of the bed and playing with her doll and she said some words in a sentence that didn't quite make sense but she was obviously trying them out. And I thought to myself, Here I am, witnessing someone learn a language.
How strange. I never thought about it before, but every child is in fact learning a language. Learning what the words dog, house, and amphibian mean. Learning how to put them into a sentence so that it makes sense. Learning how to communicate.
Language. What a strange word to define a strange thing.
In my research of K-Pop music and bands I have watched a few interviews of Korean bands, both with subtitles and not. I find it ridiculously cute when the band members try to speak in English and I have to laugh at myself when I try to translate the words they say or mumble along to their Korean song lyrics.
I would love to watch the interaction that would go on between toddlers of different nationalities. I'm sure they would get along better, communication wise, than two adults, but I wonder how much their different languages skills would come into play?
I love to sit and watch things and think. Having some mood setting music in the background is a great bonus. But seriously, I could sit and stare at a tree for forever if I didn't have to worry about anything.
I know I don't say a lot, but that doesn't mean that I don't have stuff to say. It's just so overwhelming in my mind I have a hard time getting it out. Also I love to overthink what I'm going to say before I spit it out. Sometimes I feel like the Ents from Lord of the Rings. "Hi!" *two hours later* "How are you?"
Reflective thoughts.
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