happens. And I forgot to do things; like my blog. But that's ok.
I realize often that I worry way too much. Gotta do this, gotta do that, make it all right, show up on time, look like a model, cook stellar food, have intellectual conversations, keep all the good habits. Uhh,...and the list goes on. And I want to give up.
As I might have mentioned before, I am a very determined person. It takes a lot to make me give up. I basically won't unless I'm completely beaten or discouraged.
This leaves me in a tricky spot: tons of pressure, and no bending room.
So much of life is based on opinions. I'll be honest, I depend a lot on those myself; people's opinions drive me to perfection probably more than anything else.
I want to be perfect so that everyone will like me and so that I can fill accomplished.
But is that even possible? Or true?
I guess I just need to learn to give up on perfect. I'm going to mess up sometimes, and that's ok. I'm going to stumble, and that's ok. I'm going to miss appointments, overcook food, show up with crazy hair, forget to send an important email. But that's ok.
I need to be more grateful and just enjoy life, this wonderful life God has give me.
Perfect is overrated anyways.
Ah! That feel so freeing! I give up on perfect and promise to only and always do my best and leave the results up to God. He's a whole lot better at all this than me.
Is perfect even something I would want?
If I didn't mess up sometimes I'd just be plain boring. No fun at all.
Isn't it more freeing to just be me? Little messed up, loved by the Creator, me?
Relieving thoughts.
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