Kidnapped Baby

So...another baby was kidnapped.  Why do I say another?  Because it has been done before and will be done again.

In this country so very many crimes are committed agains the newborn and unborn.  Why?  Because they are the future generation, they are the witness, they are "valuable", and they are unable to defend themselves.  This should move us to pity, but for most it only moves us to greed.

However, God is the defender of the weak!  Be not deceived, God is not mocked.  I'm not sure whether to feel worse for the poor babies or the people who commit crimes agains the innocent.

Back to the kidnapped baby.  I was calmly eating lunch yesterday when my mom started talking to my dad about a story she had read on Facebook.  It was about a 14 year old girl who had been assaulted, then made the brave and right decision to have her baby, and even went so far as to desire to raise him herself!  Everything went smoothly, she had the baby and both mother and baby were fine.  Then, for unknown and unexplained reasons, DHR came to the Hospital and literally ripped the baby from the young mothers arms and carried him off.  When the family made complaints, DHR came back and took the young mother and her brother from the custody of loving grandparents.  All of this without solid reasons or papers or anything.


So much more injustice is happing in the story that I can't explain, but to read more go here.

It's just so hard for me to fathom that people could be so cruel and insensitive to a girl for goodness sakes, and her baby.  I don't know how I could stand there and watch as someone forcefully took a baby out of a crying mothers' arms.  Ahh, it kills me to even  think about it.

Things like this should never happen.  In America, or otherwise.  

How have we fallen so far?  How can we let this happen?  Are we so caught up in our own lives to not care if another is suffering?

Outraged thoughts.
